Club Compound
The sailing club has a compound storage area adjacent to the clubhouse. Compound space is limited, however full sailing members may store their cruisers, speed boats, tenders, sailing dinghies, and trailers in the compound. Members are charged for storage over either six months or 12 month periods.
As there is limited space we encourage members to be active and maintain their boats over the 6 month period whilst it is in the yard, and to get their boats back in to service
The Compound Officer (see Club Contacts link under BOSMBSC Members page for contact information) must be informed before any boat, tender, dinghy etc is brought in to the compound.
A space will be allocated, and members will be expected to clearly mark their boat name, surname, or membership number on the trailer, tender, dinghy, oars, or outboard, to aid clear identity. Unmarked property is easily mislaid.
Please keep the space around and underneath your boat tidy.
Please upturn tenders and dinghies to avoid gathering rainwater, or use suitable boat cover.
Do not interfere with other members property without permission or authority of the Compound Officer

Club Tractor
The club own a tractor which, operated by approved & authorised club members can be used for the launch and recovery of trailers & boats, the clearing of hardstanding and for carrying and lifting with the front loader